Design Technology

Design Technology Vision

At Evendons, our DT teaching and learning is an integral part of our STEM curriculum. We provide children with realΒ life contexts for learning DT which are inspired by the thematic curriculum topics.

Design and Technology Intent

Through DT, children should be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects, from the world of STEM,Β  to inspire them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products. STEM ambassador visits to the school should be used where possible to help inspire the children’s learning.

Using the DT cycle of β€˜design, make, evaluate’ the children will develop skills and knowledge appropriate for their age and use an increasing range of tools and materials safely.

Design and Technology Implementation

The teaching and implementation of the DT Curriculum at Evendons Primary School is based on the National Curriculum and linked to themes to ensure a well-structured, progressive approach to this multi-skilled subject.Β 

In the Early Years, the skills and knowledge linking to the Design and Technology curriculum are included within the β€˜Understanding of the World’ and β€˜Expressive Arts and Design’ aspects of the Early Years Framework. During the children’s independent learning time, they have the opportunity to explore resources that will begin to support them to Design, Make and Evaluate their work. Resources that may facilitate this exploration include, junk modelling, Mobilo, Lego, sellotape, glue, hole punches and large construction resources. Through adult intervention during independent learning, children are encouraged to talk about their ideas for their products, it’s use and make informal evaluations.Β 

In Key Stages 1 and 2, the teacher’s plan and teach DT inspired by their class themes for each half term, The skills of β€˜design, make and evaluate’ are taught in each DT unit of work, including mechanisms, structures, textiles and food and nutrition. The children create an end product in DT using their previous experiences and knowledge of each area. Please read our Design and Technology Whole school Overview:Β  Design and Technology Whole School Overview

Impact of Design and Technology
  • Clubs with DT links:
  • Evendons Lego Brickies – a lego club for children in KS1. Children are set a task each week which may be inspired by a story or theme. They then discuss their ideas for their product and create it, evaluating and adapting as they go. Models of penguins that children created linked to the story β€˜Lost and Found’
  • DT Crafting Skills
  • Strong structures, design and build
  • Advanced Sewing Club. Children use their knowledge and skills of sewing to create a project.

Events through the year:

  • Bridge Day. Children used skills and knowledge that they have acquired through DT into completing several engineering activities throughout the morning. They worked alongside children from different year groups so that skills could be taught peer to peer.
  • STEM fair. Children have the opportunity to visit different stalls and experts to gain a deeper understanding of engineering and how DT links to this aspect of STEM.Β 
  • Years groups have the opportunity to be visited by our resident engineer, Rob. He works with children, using resources that he has created, to enhance their understanding of engineering and DT within their theme. Here are some examples of what he has done with different year groups.



Educational Visits

There are many educational visits throughout the year which incorporate engineering and DT. these include;

    • Year 2 visit to Brooklands Motor Museum


An important part of our Upper Key Stage 2 DT curriculum is the children taking part in an electric car project. We have two electric cars in school, which the children in Year 6 haveΒ  the opportunity to assemble and build prior to racing at Goodwood. Alongside this work, they create a shared project portfolio and also work collaboratively to design, source and build a body for their car, before testing the car and practising driving. Once completed, the children visit Goodwood to take part in the Greenpower: Lockheed Martin Gathering of Goblins.

By Caroline Hamblin – Design and Technology Lead